Connected white cane
Workshop project : Creation of a fictive white cane connected and its app for blind people . 
The app is on smartphone and is linked with the white cane and the blind person can choose
to link a third person, with is own smartphone, to help him when needed.
- Splash Screen -
- Synchronization Screen -
When you open the app for the first time, the app automatically try to synchronize with the white cane. If you are the blind person so you can just let the app synchronize but if you are the third person you have to click on the button for assistant person.

- Blind people Interface -

This interface is for the white cane user and the app works by vocal commands as for Siri for instance.
The design was thought to be visually pleasing even the user can not see it, because the app must be designed, pleasant and fresh for the other people who see it. First because the app must be attractive and also convincing.

Main menu -

This interface and those that follow are for the third person.
The third person is chosen by the white cane user and the person is not forced to choose someone but it is recommanded.
The third person has access to a camera and a map to localize the white can user, and also parameters.

- Map Interface -

A geolocation chip is integrated in the white cane so the third person (always if the white cane user allows it) can know
where the white cane user is. Another way to use the map is that the third person can upload an itinary for the white cane user.

Map Interface -

The third person can access to the menu at any time.

- Camera Interface -

A camera is included in the white cane thus the user can ask for help to the third person when he's lost or has any problem.

- Parameters Interface -

As for most applications there are parameters that allow the third person to change his profil or the alerts and notifications.
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For a one week workshop we had to create a connected object, so my group and I choose to create a connected white cane for blind people with a sm Daha Fazla Bilgi

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