Holistic I Immersive Light Installation Performance

Holistic I Immersive Light Installation & Dance Performance by BİŞEYLER
Borusan Otomotiv İnciroğlu, Opening Performance, Turkey, May 2015

Holism is the idea that natural systems (physical, biological, chemical, social, economic, mental, linguistic, etc.) and their properties should be viewed as wholes, not as collections of parts.

Creative Direction & Light Animation: Burcu Ece Okuyucu, Gökhan Okuyucu

Lighting Programmer & Design: Sezgin Karaağaç ''SKLD''
Music & Sound Design: PanPiper (Mehmet Ünal)

Title Animation: Tiber Ergür
Documentation: RAVV Creative Video Solutions (Cansu Turan)
Client: Borusan Otomotiv
Organization Company: A46
Technical Company: Staras

Holistic I Immersive Light Installation Performance
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Holistic I Immersive Light Installation Performance

Holistic I Immersive Light Installation & Dance Performance by Bİ'ŞEYLER Borusan Otomotiv İnciroğlu, Opening Performance, Turkey, May 2015

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