Profil von Francisco Javier CanoProfil von Juan Carlos Pérez García

Observa Fire

Observa Fire is a Seville-based company that provides security solutions and fire fighting equipment, such as closed-circuit televison, access control, fire extinguishers or gas detection systems. We created a new visual identity for them and implemented it on their website.
Observa Fire combina tres conceptos : la letra O (para Observa ) , el ojo con una pupila vertical ( que está especialmente adaptado para ver en el negro de la noche ) y la llama . Para el logo se utilizó una versión modificada de Exo 2 , que transmite un aspecto tecnológico pero de alguna manera orgánica.
Observa Fire’s icon combines three concepts: the letter O (for Observa), the eye with a vertical pupil (which is specially adapted to see in the black of night) and the flame. For the logo we used a modified version of Exo 2, which conveys a technological yet somehow organic look.
As a part of the identity, a series of pictograms were created in order to illustrate Observa Fire’s different services. In the website, the hover effect of these icons is designed to ressemble the glow of a flame.
Observa Fire

Observa Fire

Branding para Observa Fire

