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29th Bienal de São Paulo Banner

29th Bienal de São Paulo Banner
The assingment given by the Art History teacher was re-creating the banner of the 29th Bienal de São Paulo, a modern art event that takes place in Sao Paulo, Brazil, every 2 years. We should use the same headline as the one on the official banner: "há sempre um copo de mar para um homem navegar", which literally means "there is always a glass of sea for one man to navigate". And we should use one exposed art piece at the Bienal as reference to our project. One day before the deadline, we had nothing done. In 24 hours, we could only do something that required little production effort. So we decided starting with something as simple as torned newspaper, in order to represent the stage where people's  voice suffer censorship. Using some simple collage techniques, a digital camera and a scanner, we created the effect seen below, with the "main" torn representing the art as something that people can use to express themselves and fool the censorship. At the post-production stage, we only made some color correction and added text. Finally, our banner made possible a new interpretation to the headline: "there's always art to let us pursuit freedom of expression".

(making of)
29th Bienal de São Paulo Banner

29th Bienal de São Paulo Banner

Re-creating the 29th Bienal de São Paulo Banner - a college assignment, done on the day before the deadline.
