Profil von Giorgio Pigatti

MooveTo - UI/UX Mobile App

“A movement to incorporate technology into data acquisition on aspects of a person's daily life in terms of inputs (e.g. food consumed, quality of surrounding air), states (e.g. mood, arousal, blood oxygen levels), and performance (mental and physical).”
Outline a new service/webapp strictly related to the topic 'Quantified Self'. 
Basically you have to select a personal data/information that can be collected over time by the user. 
That data collection, potentially, can be visualized in some meaningful way in order to provide insights on a particular topic of the personal life of the user.
MooveTo - UI/UX Mobile App

MooveTo - UI/UX Mobile App

Outline a new service/webappstrictly related to the topic 'Quantified Self'.
