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Photoshoot: Dadaism - Portfolio Shoot

Dada or Dadaism was a form of artistic anarchy born out of disgust for the social, political and cultural values of the time. It embraced elements of art, music, poetry, theatre, dance and politics. Dada was, officially, not a movement, its artists were not artists and its art was not art. Dada had only one rule: Never follow any known rules. Dada art is nonsensical to the point of whimsy. There was no predominant medium in Dadaist art. All things from geometric tapestries to glass to plaster and wooden reliefs were fair game. It's worth noting, though, that assemblage, collage, photomontage and the use of ready made objects all gained wide acceptance due to their use in Dada art. For something that supposedly meant nothing, Dada certainly created a lot of offshoots.
So to create something unreal and surreal and to reflect the radical thinking of Dadaism,  I tried to portray the unconventional style of dressing, keeping in mind the essentialities of Dadaism as a concept. 
My final composition was created with the intension of giving the entire shoot the essence of Dadaism, which was the byproduct of rebellion against the basic conventionalities of the society, giving a spark to a revolution that spread throughout the European land. Similarly, my picture tries to depict the voice of a women/girl who tries speak against the odds of the society to this dominating era manhood, a land where the voice of a girl is suppressed in order to satisfy the LUST AND SELFISHNESS of this two faced world of male chauvinism and here with this composition I announce my revolution against these stereotypes. And this is my DADAISM!
(There is no editing in this picture.)
Photoshoot: Dadaism - Portfolio Shoot

Project Made For

Photoshoot: Dadaism - Portfolio Shoot

Dada or Dadaism was a form of artistic anarchy born out of disgust for the social, political and cultural values of the time. In this photoshoot Read More


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