BAMA Storkjøkken

Bama Storkjøkken
Our service has so much to offer, how do we make it known?
Fruit and vegetables are so abundant that we take them for granted, but where do they come from? Who sources rambutan from Malaysia but also potatoes from the local farmer just around the corner? And who delivers them fresh to our door? Bama is the largest provider of fruit and vegetables to Norway, but relatively unknown to trade and consumers. Mission was invited to help raise awareness of Bama Storkjøkken’s sophisticated operation, its commitment to providing the best, and to inspire cooks about the wealth of opportunity that fruit and vegetables offer. 
Our first action was to streamline communication from ad hoc messages to a structured and focused programme aimed at professional cooks. We introduced images of the variety, shapes, and colours of the raw ingredients, conveying the quality and potential of the Bama Storkjøkken range. This was supported with images of the Bama Culinary Team, a group of experts who ply their culinary art to fruit and vegetables. With over 100 varieties of the humble potato, chef’s can now pick the one that’s perfect for them.
The perception of Bama Storkjøkken has moved from Supplier to Experts in the minds of consumers and professional chefs alike, with all stakeholders being far more aware of Bama Storkjøkken’s extensive service. The biggest response from the new communication strategy has been online, with social media engagement increasing tenfold. Internally, staff convey a renewed pride with a clear focus on their passion for promoting the potential of fruit and vegetables.
BAMA Storkjøkken