Perfil de Guilherme Theodoro

UX & UI Case: DS Kids

DS Kids is a Dieta e Saúde (the largest online weight loss program in Brazil) institutional project. There are more than 10 million downloads in the app and more than 1 million kilos (2.2 million pounds) lost by our users only in 2014.

But now, besides taking care of adult food, we want our children to grow healthier and happier. So we thought we'd help dads and moms in this task, which is not that easy.
What we did:

• The entire team (designers, engineers, nutritionists, product managers, and everyone in between) worked out of the Dieta e Saúde office 1-2 days a week to immerse ourselves in the DS Kids brand and workflow;

• Suggestions of balanced and nutritious menus without sacrificing flavor;

• Super creative tips for day-to-day activities, such as riding a lunchbox healthily;
• Very cool ways to encourage kids to be more active through play;
• Easy recipes to make with the kids to help stimulate the palate with healthy edibles;
• Many other ideas, tips and information that parents need to create a very tasty and healthy routine for children.
Sketching and Wireframing
Is about more than just looking nice - it is about feeling right and making the user an integral part of an experience. Too much going on and it distracts the user, most of times they struggle to figure out how to use it; there is a certain balance to it all. How all these screens flow together and interact with each other?
Before starting on those designs, we spent 4 weeks conducting preliminary user research in the form of quick interviews at Dieta e Saúde HQ. We then came up with ideas based on a report of that user research, competitive research, and knowledge about the mobile space accumulated from past projects and our main product: Dieta e Saúde app.
Prototyping and User testing
We put out our designs in low-fidelity prototypes on Flinto as quickly as possible to watch people interact with the app. Our agile process involved creating concepts, testing them and making changes accordingly. Build, measure, learn. 
User Interface
Our goals aligned with DS Kids: we wanted to design a useful app that our audience would love and want to use. We set out to create an app that wasn’t just beautifully designed, but useful, easy-to-use, and reliable.
UX & UI Case: DS Kids

UX & UI Case: DS Kids

An app with nutrition tips for children to assist parents in the difficult task of making their children have a healthy diet in childhood, fighti Leer más
