The best and less invasive way to fight the MOLE !!
This Product, is a totally non invasive, naturally it respects the nature, respects the moles, ( infact it, don't kill the moles, but, with his mechanical ,the mole runs away).It's really simple, it consist in a wind turbine, this follows the wind , and operates a little hammer that knocks on the rod support, so as to propagate some sound waves in the ground.The Mole , has a very sophisticated hearing, and so it runs away from the field.It has a action for about a 100 mt radius.It's really simple it's composed about 5 pieces, and you can assemble it in about 5 minutes.
It's a really simple website,with some java animation developed with jQuery ( in " How to " page ), and have a page that is directly connected with paypall for the "e-shop".
The talAlt is by an Italian company, and you can find more information on
Study on Logos 
WebSite Homepage, the turbine that is on background is an animated gif made with photoshop.
"How to " site page, the box on our left, contains an jQuery animation that explains the mechanics of talpAlt.
BackGround animation with a animated gif.
"e-shop" page, this page, contains 5 buttons , with a link to paypall for easy and secure shopping
"contact" page for easy contacts

This Product, is a totally non invasive, naturally it respects the nature, respects the moles, ( infact it, don't kill the moles, but, with his m Read More
