Craig Halilis profil

Art Within Transit | Adding Art into MRT

Art Within Transit
—— An undergraduate thesis
By using "visual stimuli" through facial expressions, this thesis was designed to alleviate commuter tensions between them and the MRT-3 (Metro Rail Transit 3) authorities, due to the long waiting time and long lines people experience waiting for a train. This campaign does not seek to add to the the already existing facilities of the MRT-3 or to expand their already existing services, but to improve the experience which commuters must go through on a daily basis.
Wall Art design
Using visuals strewn throughout each of the different terminals leading from the entrance to the platform itself, the hopes of this was to create a more calm and somewhat more meaningful experience for the commuter through a stronger visual atmosphere. Through character design, we are also able to create stronger connections to individuals making the stations more identifiable and hopefully more relatable to the different commuters who use the system. 
(Photo edit of Quezon Avenue Station. Quezon City, Philippines)
Motivational/Reminder Posters
To be placed along paths where the people tend to line up along, these posters stay as reminders of the "proper etiquette" which each individual should follow to give good stewardship towards others and to also create a visual atmosphere/reading materials for commuters to read and pass the time while waiting for their turn to get on the train.
Ticket Design & App
In keeping with the updated design of the station and the ever growing popularity of social media, it is also important to put the idea into the hands of the individual as well. The Ticket can also be used as a direct link to a hopefully updated website/app of the MRT-3, but for the case of this Thesis we shall entitle "Transition".
Transition App

Another addition to updating the surrounding environment of the railway systems is to introduce an app which goal is to support and provide the commuter with an easily accisible information guide and service (above) which enables the individual to help "themselves" while waiting or traveling on the MRT-3 lines. 
The hopes of this is to allow commuters to help one another by giving them the power to provide information into the network and to both share thoughts and or experiences online to help others who may have a similar problem, thusly creating stronger bonds not just between the railways and the individual, but from commuter to commuter as well. Another feature included would be a service which one can find a "commuting partner" (below) which allows people to meet new people while taking the train, giving them people to talk to in hopes of strengthening the community.
Again to re-iterate, this thesis was designed not to belittle the efforts of the MRT-3 authorities in any way, but to open up possibilities to allow each individual a chance to play a part in a much greater change. It is easy to complain about situations that make us feel uncomfortable, but people need to remember that they can make a difference for the people around them as well. Even if we were to clean the surroundings and make it look nicer, it is still the hope of this thesis that this is just a catalyst to spur the public to be more patient and friendly towards one another, making us more unified as a people.
"Works of art are not passive reflections of economic, social or political conditions.
They actively enable a society, or group within society, to accomplish various goals
that could not otherwise be obtained." (Corinne D'Antonio)
Art Within Transit | Adding Art into MRT

Art Within Transit | Adding Art into MRT

My thesis for my Bachelor's degree in Visual Communication in UP Fine Arts on how "visual stumuli" such as facial expressions can help improve an Læs mere
