The Walls
For this project, I wanted to showcase the beauty in everyday objects. Walking down the street I started to notice the incrdedible diversity in the size, shape, color, and ditress levels in the bricks of various buildings. I took photogrpahs of them and laid them out in a grid of circles to break away from the natural square they are conformed to on a daily basis. Then I took that a step farther and manipulated these photos to form posters about three walls from around the world. Included on these posters is facts and figures about each of the walls.
I wanted to show that walls are meant for keeping things out, that they are most often thought as something that can hinder someone from getting what they want. I then also wanted to show that these beautiful objects can be fluid and beautiful in their own right, and should not always be seen as a negitive sight. 
Beauty in Bricks

Beauty in Bricks

I wanted to take the beauty of everyday bricks and make walls less daunting.

