One Life a Day Agenda 2016
Com esse trabalho quis homenagear meu amado avô (que fazia aniversário dia 21/10), pelo dia do Radioamador, 22/10. Autodidata em eletrônica, elétrica e mecânica, inventava e consertava rádios e outros aparelhos eletrônicos pra cidade de Penápolis inteira. Fica aqui um pedacinho do meu amor e da minha saudade do nosso "professor Pardal".
With this work I want to pay homage to my beloved grandfather (whose birthday was oct. 21st), for the World Amateur Radio Day, oct. 22nd. Learned by himself everything he knew about eletronics, eletric and mechanic, and invented and fixed radios and other eletrical equipments for his entire town. Here is a little piece drawn expressing my love and how much I miss him, our "Gyro Gearloose".
One Life a Day Agenda 2016 - Cyan
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One Life a Day Agenda 2016 - Cyan

My work for the "One life a day agenda" project, where 146 artists illustrate 2016 in an incredible agenda! My ilustration is for the World Amate 詳細を表示

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