SP3 is a brand of sports supplements.
The brand needed to develop an innovative packaging solution for their protein powders and liquid supplements targetted at the average consumer who wishes to stay fit and healthy, but are not trying to compete in professional bodybuilding. In an industry crowded by almost identital package design, they needed a new approach to presenting the supplements in order to gain some competitive advantage.
These designs ditch the commonly used large plastic protein tubs and instead use an easier to pack, ship, and carry foil bag. The 1lb bags are a more manageable size for their target consumer who generally need much smaller serving sizes than the typical bodybuilder. The bags also do not include the plastic scoops typically found in protein tubs and instead display serving sizes by tablespoons. This reduces the frustrating search for a plastic scoop and assures that the user will always have a clean utensil for his/her protein. The liquid supplements are entirely pure and flavorless. The minimal design make these packages unobstrusive enough to remain on kitchen counter-tops for easier use. The pumps allow users to very easily add the supplement into their smoothies or shaker bottles. Functional flavors are sold separately for increased variety and customization.


Services Performed: Branding, Packaging Design
