Sinal é um site que tem como objetivo divulgar as atividades desenvolvidas na Escola Superior de Desenho Industrial do Rio de Janeiro, além de veicular notíciais relativas ao ensino, ao design e à cultura em geral.
"Sinal" is a website that aims to disclose the activities developed at the superior school of industrial design (Esdi), Rio de Janeiro, besides airing news related to education, design and culture in general.
Homepage of the website, displaying the most important events of the week
On the "events" page, there's a big calendar displaying what kind of events take place in each day
It's possible to find articles written by the name of the author or by a specific date
On "meu acervo" you can mark as favorite any event or news that you like, only by logging in. The website separates the info you have selected by month.
Site do Sinal

Site do Sinal

Website que atualiza seus leitores do que está acontecendo no Rio de Janeiro em termos de cultura. Website that updates its readers of what's goi 자세히 보기
