City foto - Valerit Romanov
City branding
Ulyanovsk Region is experiencing a rebirth. After decades of neglect and decline of the region is filled with life, fueled by energy of its leaders, citizens, business partners, inspires a rich heritage and faith in the future. There are new projects being builtfactories, logistics centers, new homes, business centers and shopping complexes. The most modern airport runway in the "East" is ready for take-off of new aircraft. The regionis ready for new ideas, new people and new achievements.

Ulyanovsk - the region where you want to fly. Over the expanse of the Volga. "Over theboundless fields. Fly, driven by the wind. I think everything here is connected with the flight. No wonder that it is here that can build the most powerful civilian aircraft, able to train pilots, which are then delivered us from town to town for a few hours in the comfortand security, able to invent new technologies and ideas that moveLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer sit amet tincidunt lorem. Integer a enim a neque ullamcorper eleifend. Quisque tempor dictum purus, in pretium dui ullamcorper sodales. Mauris ante lorem, hendrerit nec blandit et, congue non velit. Proin ut tortor vel enim commodo ornare eget id nisi. Nunc sit amet tellus nibh, vel interdum dolor. Quisque tincidunt, nulla ut imperdiet placerat, magna augue elementum orci, ac sollicitudin urna turpis non sem. Aliquam erat volutpat. Proin bibendum varius vestibulum. In id justo at magna posuere pharetra quis ac nulla. Suspendisse vestibulum justo at massa imperdiet laoreet. Cras euismod adipiscing neque, ac tristique nisl luctus sit amet. Nunc accumsan felis ut lectus vulputate quis blandit sapien egestas. Pellentesque justo neque, auctor quis hendrerit vitae, tempus eget magna. Sed id lobortis augue. Nam pharetra sagittis leo, id vehicula elit faucibus sit amet. Integer facilisis imperdiet dui in commodo.


Ulyanovsk Region is experiencing a rebirth. After decades of neglect and decline of the region is filled with life, fueled by energy of its leade 자세히 보기


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