Erghaeno. body: dead necromancers body, that's been lying around for ages... or centuries... 
behavior: despite having such a body is unusually kind. a powerful magician. enjoys chess and crossword puzzles.
Bhon. Body: a new age gladiator taken straight from the middle of a duel with a barbarian archerbot.
Behavior: calm and solid, doesn't like much talk. Proficient in small battles and drinking beer.
Len. Body: a lonesome woodcutter with short hands.
Behavior: unknown.
Bo. Body: a very muscular truck driver that got hit by a truck. Bo as an entity, not accustomed to the earth's standards, didn't 
see a problem being headless. Talking isn't a problem either, daemos's can manipulate their surroundings in a subatomic 
level, so bo, creates wind. His voice is basically whistling wind.
Behavior: a very intelligent being that was fused with a not so intelligent body, so the redneck gene surfaces occasionally.
For unknown reasons Bo enjoys fixing cars and playing pool.
Feghn. Body: headless lieutenant and a skull of an unknown body scavenged from a recent battlefield. Also a drapery 
which is a huge blade that's being manipulated into different shapes.
Behavior: thinks people are fun to look at especially when killing each other. Is quite aggressive, but doesn't engage in
pointless conflicts, though enjoys plotting kingdoms and countries one against other.
Ohlde. Body: a very gruesome combination of a few dead beasts and a hunter, although ohlde managed to materialise a weapon of 
great power from 'anotherworld' called 'a tik'. 
Behavior: mostly kind with outbreaks of nihilistic 'all life is insignificant' type of shit. Craves for knowledge, loves 
books and libraries. 
Žoubgh. Body: a dude that accidentally died during HEMA (historical European martial arts) performance. 
Behavior: laid back, though a scary daemos. Enjoys shooting his bow, smoking pot and reading poetry. Quoting stuff like 
'everyone is gonna die. eventually' doesn't help him make friends. 
Šnahlv. body: daemos that scattered itself into 4 objects- a suit, an empty birdcage with a rope, a rusty scythe and 
the oldest mask on earth (which he stole from musee de la bible). 
Behavior: very enthusiastic and over-hyped about living in 3-dimensions. Wants to experience everything so this daemos 
travels everywhere doing anything that pops into its 4-dimensional mind.
Žva. body: a general store clerk geek that when came in contact with the daemos mutated strangely. 
Behavior: unpredictable, from a sweet next door guy into a psychopath in seconds.
Kte. body: a mutated powerful big samurai warrior with 4 hands. 
Behavior: a very aggressive entity, that enjoys killing and showing prowess in arts of combat. A very good battle tactician.


Daemos- entity of another reality that got unwillingly thrown into this existence through holes in the fabric of space and time. Not having phisi Read More
