Embrace of the Serpent
Movie poster
My take on Ciro Guerra's Embrace of the Serpent, a dreamlike movie about clashing cultures, Shamanism and the shifting
nature of time in the Amazonian jungle.
Virtually impossible to sum up, Serpent tells two parallel stories and focuses on four main characters: two botanists,
an Amazonian native and a Shaman. Telling two connected tales of the clash between the seemingly civilized botanists
and the natives, the „film jumps back and forth in time, refusing to tell a linear story.

Official Trailer
South Amerca's cultural, economic exploitation is a strong theme in this movie, and the rubber tree with the spiral carving seemed like a nice way to combine it with the serpent, but it wasn't that interesting visually compared to the other ideas
Embrace of the Serpent
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Embrace of the Serpent

A poster for Ciro Guerra's Embrace of the Serpent

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