Dear Katie,
Sorry about your coat, I'm not sure what became of the buttons. I've looked everywhere, retraced my steps all the way up to pointed Peak, where I had an unfortunate encounter with an angry ant colony. Not wanting to disturb them further, I left the hill, but not before picking a couple flowers for you. I think they'd go nicely with your coat.
Once again, very sorry about the buttons.
Your friend,
Dear Katie,
Thanks again for letting me borrow your coat...I'm still looking for the missing buttons. I remember having all of them when we went sailing the second night. I'm worried worried I may have lost a couple playing Titanic at the ship bough. I hope they didn't go overboard! I didn't see them when I went diving ear;ier, but I did find a couple pearls I thought you'd like. Had to wrestle a jellyfish to get them. P.S. Don't wrestle jellyfish.
Your friend,
Dear Katie,
I've been up and down and to every corner of the earth looking for your buttons but they haven't turned up. Only place I haven't looked is the sky! Maybe a bird carried them off. I've heard of birds stealing just blue things to make nests, or picking up shiny treasures, like coins and bottle-caps on the beach, mistaking them for beetles. Speaking of shiny things I found these beautiful gemstones near the caves. I saved a couple for you.
The coat's been a big help. I hope you're keeping warm yourself! I'll keep looking for the buttons.
Your friend,
The Search