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Planetside 2 - Tank Reticles

Tanks are very popular and useful ground vehicles in Planetside 2. Players get information about the surroundings of the tank via the vehicle HUD that includes a reticle. Reticles have both an aesthertic and practical use. Besides providing information such as distance, angle and speed, the use of colors and shapes of the reticles represent the faction/empire of the player and its background culture. 
Magrider's Reticle - In-game Screenshot
VS Lighting's Reticle. In-game Screenshot.
Prowler's Reticle. In-game Screenshot.
TR Lighting's Reticle. In-game Screenshot.
Vanguard's Reticle. In-game Screenshot.
NC Lighting's Reticle. In-game Screenshot.
Planetside 2 - Tank Reticles

Planetside 2 - Tank Reticles

Planetside 2 tanks' reticles.
