Mermadurga Toy
Mermadurga is a toy collabaoration with super talented toy designer Whitney Pollett.
Here's a little insight on how she came to be!
From Whitney Pollett
    Mermadurga was a design that spawned from a rough sketch of a mermaid with two poorly placed arms. I sketched two more arms in a different pose which still didn't look quite right so I added two more, ultimately filling the space and there was no more room for iteration. I got up and made some tea out of shear frustration when I noticed from a distance that the mermaid resembled a Hindu goddess of sorts so I did some research and found Durga; the most beautiful and powerful goddess with many arms who just so happened to have a trident symbol on her forehead (sometimes) which to me felt like a really cool and serendipitous coincidence!
     So that's when the Mermadurga was born. JC wanted to model something so I said, "here! Model her"! The next day, there she was!! I couldn't believe it. She looked so tangeable and awesome, everyone who saw her wanted to buy her (since they thought that she was an actual toy sitting on a desk somewhere). To their dismay, she was just a CG render... For now!! Dun dun duuuuuh!!!!! Stay tuned for Mermadurga pt. II ;D
Mermadurga Toy

Mermadurga Toy

Mermadurga was a design that spawned from a rough sketch of a mermaid with two poorly placed arms. So I sketched two more arms in a different pos Meer lezen
