Taskly is a project managment application.
This project was created for the Career Foundry UX Designer course.
Closer Look at Analysis
(above) Spreadsheet with Standardized Categories: Number of times each Card was labeled with similar Category Name. Also kept referring back to what participants originally wrote, to make sure that I didn't miss anything (and didn't get trapped inside my own Standardized category's thinking!)
(above) Similarity Matrix.  Used to continue looking for patterns and connections.
(above) Arranging Cards based on Card Sort Results. Looking for patterns.
(above) Digitized map of the patterns and relationships that I found from Card Sort.   The most useful result: Many users associated certain tasks with "Setup" and "Starting a New Project", so based on this I decided to create a "New Project Wizard" to set aside that important task flow. You can check out my paper prototype for that Wizard: https://www.behance.net/gallery/29611485/Taskly-Paper-Prototypes?.
Taskly: Card Sort

Taskly: Card Sort

Card Sort design of Taskly project management app for Career Foundry UX Designer course.


Creative Fields