Perfil de Nicole Wolf

Into the Wild: a Calgary Zoo Project

Above: The "Grizzly Bear Food" smörgåsbord- complete with ants, gophers and carrion. Also featured is the Banff "animal overpass", and an off-limits picnic basket (don't eat the human food!)
Parks Canada teamed up with the Calgary Zoo in an effort to connect the urban population with national parks, and contracted me to illustrate their activity book for visitors to the park. 
Each child was given a booklet at the entrance, filled with questions about what they’ve learned and what they liked best – with a promise of a prize at the end!
Into the Wild: a Calgary Zoo Project
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Into the Wild: a Calgary Zoo Project

Parks Canada teamed up with the Calgary Zoo in an effort to connect the urban population with national parks, and contracted me to illustrate the Ver mais

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