Super Bock
This is a project for Super Bock, that redefine its digital strategy in all aspects in an integrated manner:
- new site
- social media
- mobile

Is a site that have a multi-plataform and activate its trademark large areas:
- Brand
- Music
- Futebol
- Cinema
- Restaurants
- etc..

This is a full CSS/HTML/jQuery website, also with call's to webservice, ajax request's, etc..
The footer have an slideUp and slideDown animations, when the user click on the links.
The content manager is umbraco.


Launched: 2010
The footer have an slideUp and slideDown animations, when the user click on the links.

Super Bock Site

Super Bock Site

This is a web portal, tha has multi-plataforms such has branc, music, futebol, restaurants, cinema, etc..
