Profilo di Karl Eggers

KDHX 2015 Fall Drive Materials

KDHX approached me to make an update to the campaign I created for their Spring Pledge drive. This drive was especially crucial for the station, as they needed to raise $200,000 to be able to stay on the air in St. Louis. They came to me with the new tagline "All In for KDHX". This focus led me to search for images within their Flickr stream that emphasized the community aspect of the station.
As part of the project, they asked me to create a pledge thermometer of sorts, but using a record in some fashion. I created a vector illustration of a record player, with each track on the record being a higher level of funding. During the course of the drive they updated the photo to show their progress. 
Thankfully they were able to meet their goal at the end of the drive, and I was happy to help get the word out in a consistent and emotive branded message. 

If you're not familiar with KDHX, you can listen to them live at, or on the radio in STL at 88.1 FM.
KDHX 2015 Fall Drive Materials

KDHX 2015 Fall Drive Materials

Fall pledge drive graphics for KDHX, a community radio station in St. Louis, MO.
