Patricia Magistrado's profile

An Image a Day... (Week 6: Macro, Micro)

Day 28. "Myths" 02/09/2015
Reasoning: This image is a fun expression from the Hermes store I saw on displayed on their shop in Brisbane.

Inspiration: I was inspired by how quirky and playful of the arrangement of this display especially on a luxury brand shop. The robot riding the pony reminded me of an anime called "Gundam" which reminded me of my childhood.

Technique: Digital Photography with manipulated effects on Photoshop.

Process: Image transferred into photoshop with the glowing edges filter applied.

Reflection: I wasn't happy with the original image as it had a lot of glare from the window so I decided to experiment with the filters. I think the glowing effect removed most of the glare. It kind of gave the image a weird dream-like effect but I think it works well with the subject.
Day 29. "Butterflies" 03/09/2015

Reasoning: The large metal artwork displayed on the outside of Hilton Hotel was really interesting and colourful, reflecting the busy streets of the CBD.
Inspiration: I was inspired by the scale of the butterflies, it looked small when seen from a distance but when you are close you can really see the true scale of the metal insects.
Technique: Close up Digital Photography

Process: Image transferred into Photoshop for colour corrections.

Reflection: Since the wall art was huge I couldn't fit the pedestrians walking below the installation. It would have been a great illustration to showcase the true scale of the butterflies.
Day 30. "Depths" 04/09/2015

Reasoning: For texture collection for future projects.

Inspiration: I was inspired again by the texture on a store and decided to apply the inverted effect from week 1 to create a landscape-like image.

Technique: Macro Photography with applied effects.

Process: Macro shot, image then transferred in photoshop for the inverted effect, spherize distortion and iris blur.

Reflection: I think the applied effect turned out well and the iris blur really gave it a depth as I wanted a similar atmosphere in the image like the mysteriousness of the landscape seen in nano photography.
Day 30. "Playful Cats" 04/09/2015

Reasoning: A tutorial activity exploring 'Fantastic Worlds' experimentation with using cat figures to express the emotion of joy.

Inspiration: We were inspired by the playful characteristics of cats and a ball of string.

Technique: Macro Photography.

Process: After figuring out what scene we wanted to achieve, we used the given tools to create props and moved into the location to take multiple shots.

Reflection: I think the story turned out pretty well. We could have probably added some effects such as turning the cotton ball into an actual string in Photoshop and probably a scene composition.
Day 31. "Pandas" 05/09/2015

Reasoning: Combining some of the displays in my room to create a 'fantastic world' scene.

Inspiration: I was inspired by our tutorial activity with using small figurines with other objects.

Process: Macro Photography.

Reflection: It was fun to create using a small figure and use it to create a fun and unusual story.
Day 31. "Praying Mantis" 05/09/2015

Reasoning: Another Fantastic world scene approach with a different figurine.

Inspiration: I was inspired by the animal figures as I think it works well with the everyday backgrounds.

Process: Macro Photography.

Reflection: This was a bit more realistic than the panda but the material of this gives a unique addition to the images.
Day 31. "Bacteria" 05/09/2015

Reasoning: Another Fantastic world scene approach but with a texture.

Inspiration: I was inspired by similarity of this texture to microscopic cells multiplying.

Process: Macro Photography.

Reflection: Perhaps I should have inverted the image to make it look more microscopic but I feel like I have overused that effect and you can still see the abstract forms in this image.
An Image a Day... (Week 6: Macro, Micro)

An Image a Day... (Week 6: Macro, Micro)

Macro and Micro Images - Fantastic Worlds for the theme 'home'


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