Exploring the Isle of Skye, Scotland. 

There is always something special about coming back to the island I grew up in. It has a certain moody atmosphere for much of the year. This makes the island title of 'The Misty Isle' very appropriate. It is rare for there to be more than two days of mostly blue skies and no rain for more than two days in a row. It was the perfect place to grow up where your play ground consisted of miles of braken covered hills, pine and birch woods and rocky, imposing mountains. My love of the outdoors all stems from my time spend exploring this island and there I always get a sense of belonging in this island.   

In June 2015, my girlfriend Kate and myself drove back to my childhood home to visit family and become a tourist for a few days and explore the popular tourist route around the island. Armed with walking boots and cameras we hunted for tolkienesque landscapes and the best local coffee & cakes.  

This project contains my own photography from this trip. 
The Old Man of Storr.
Graveyard, Dunvegan
Neist Point, North End of the Island
The Quiraing, Trotternish Ridge
Fairy Pools, Glenbrittle
Coire Laggan, Cuillin Mountains


A photographic journey around the Isle of Skye on the north west cost of Scotland.



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