Profilo di Stephen A. Hall

Neo Pop Surrealism
Belle arti
There are no digital prints, photographs, collage, airbrush or projections involved in mywork. The subjects and ambiguous light sources are hand painted rows and rows of acrylic colors or tones, going from dark to light in countless layers. All the patterns are drawn first around a cardboard template upon the background field color and then painted tonally to match the background. Each painting can take anywhere from three to six weeks to execute, depending on the size.
"Forked Up 2011"
Acrylic on Canvas
32 x 44
"Calavera" 2013
Acrylic on Canvas
24 x 32
 "Self Portrait: As Congolese Woman in Drag 2011"
Acrylic on Canvas
38 x 54
price upon request

 "Screwed Up 2011" 32 x 42
Acrylic on Canvas
 "Beauty and the Ugly Truth 2010" 42 x 54Acrylic on Canvasprice on request
"Novice Punk 2011" 40 x 32Acrylic on Canvas 
"Rolex Revolutionary 2010"  60 x 48Acrylic on Canvasprice upon request      
 "Whodo Guru 2010" 36 x 42Acrylic on Canvasprice upon request
   "Life in the Balance 2010" 48 x 60Acrylic on Canvas SOLD 
"Mypad 2010" 30 x 40Acrylic on Canvasprice on request
 "Birds of a Feather 2011" 48 x 36Acrylic on Canvasprice on request 
"Strong 2011"
Acrylic on Canvas
52 x 36
Neo Pop Surrealism

Neo Pop Surrealism

“I am continuing my explorations of diverse cultures both in place and time while being more aware of certain popular cultural references whether Leggi di più



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