Brief: To create a new brand concept for a craft beer for the Urban cool.

Concept: Global warming is a reluctant problem in today's word and it is something we need to face as a community. This craft beer is called 'Unison' to represent the unity of the creators for a better world. Targeted toward BMXers and everyday cyclists alike, in cycling cities, such as; Copenhagen, Berlin and Amsterdam.

Solution: The craft beer would only be available as a six pack for cyclist crews, as a way to indorse a closer knit community. The bottles would be made out of Elopak material, to be eco-friendly and not the usual glass, as it may cause puntured tires when broken. The bottles would also be re-closable so riders can ride and drink.


I have created a brand new Craft beer concept for a live brief project for my 2nd year in my Graphic Design course
