Ricardo Rousselots profil

Ex Libris and original sketches

Ex-Libris es un término derivado de una expresión latina que significa “ de los libros de ..”. En la antiguedad se solía escribir a mano el nombre del dueño en la primera hoja de los códices como fórmula de propiedad, después se transformó en una etiqueta de más o menos 9x10 cm impresa o grabada. En Europa se comenzaron a conocer hacia el siglo XII, hechos a mano, como si fuesen una miniatura. La popularidad de los Ex-Libris comenzó en Alemania con la invención de la imprenta, que facilitó los grandes tirajes de libros.

Ex-Libris is a term derived from a Latin expression meaning "the books of ..". In ancient times it was used to handwrite the owner's name on the first page of the codices as property formula, then became a tag of about 9x10 cm printed or embossed. In Europe, they began to learn about the twelfth century, handmade, as if they were a miniature. The popularity of Ex-Libris began in Germany with the invention of printing, which facilitated large runs of books.

Compilation of original works and unpublished sketches of Ex Libris by Ricardo Rousselot
Learn calligraphy for a Ex libris in the full course of Domestika.org imparted by Ricardo Rousselot

Ex Libris and original sketches

Ex Libris and original sketches

Extensive compilation of original works and unpublished sketches of Ex Libris by Ricardo Rousselot
