Profiel van APU APU

Architectural Design & Build for Sai Kung Villa

Location 位置: Sai Kung,HK 香港西贡
Type 类型: Residential 住宅用途
Date 日期: 2015 - 2016
The village house is designed in British style with white color tone. APU selected plenty of wood materials for an elegant design style. By stepping into the house, the front dining room will catch the eye while the interconnection of the 1st and the 2nd floors will bring a great sense of space. The Chandeliers act as the focal point of the living room and subtly connect the 1st and the 2nd floors. The kitchen, being the essential part of the design, is refurbished with a combination of two English-style stoves and wood cabinets, which perfectly matches the traditional pieces with the British style theme. A triangular bookcase is also located in the center of the living room on the 2nd floor to divide the room into three different styles and demonstrate an arrangement of ideas and creation.  
全屋以英伦风格为主调,并采用白色为主色系。 APU选用了大量的木材配合不同款式的物料营造出高贵的感觉。一踏进屋内,访客将会被眼前饭厅吸引。横跨两层的大吊灯是饭厅的视觉焦点,巧妙地把一楼和二楼连接, 为饭厅带来特大的空间感。厨房是客户最为着重的地方,两台组合炉具配合英式风格的木厨柜为一楼整层带来点缀,正好贯彻英伦风格的设计基调。二楼的客厅以位置中间的三角形书柜划分出三个不同格调的分区,带出趣味和层次, 增加不同的变化效果。
Architectural Design & Build for Sai Kung Villa

Architectural Design & Build for Sai Kung Villa



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