AJ+, the mobile and social arm of the Al Jazeera Media Network, tasked me with creating informational graphics for news stories with data that would fit that format. 
I created several info-graphics covering various news stories, some of which have been featured below. All these info-graphics have been created in a narrow, vertical format to suit the AJ+ mobile app, on which they were primarily featured at the time. 
The objective with this set of info-graphics was to give the viewer a feel for what it was like to be diagnosed with Ebola and go through the treatment stages. This was a four-part series created as a set and featured on the AJ+ app and social sites. 
The elections in Indonesia was an interesting topic to cover using the info-graphic medium as there was a wealth of information to communicate, mostly with visuals. 
There were also a few single-frame graphics I produced for topics like the black friday protests against Walmart as well as climate change that was effecting global sea levels, swallowing up whole islands.


These are a few of many info-graphics I created for Al Jazeera while working at their mobile and social arm called AJ+ in San Francisco.
