for marsa sexual health center (Beirut) 
Design and illustration for 3 leaflet-posters and webpage.

The trans* project was officially launched in September 2014. This is the first project dedicated to trans* individuals in Lebanon and in the MENA region. The project is based on a needs assessment done with individuals who identify as trans* who reside in Lebanon. This project is conducted in collaboration with the Arab Foundation for Freedoms and Equality.

Marsa recognizes that individuals who identify as trans* have specific health needs. Marsa launched this platform to be more inclusive of individuals who identify as trans*. Like all projects at Marsa, the trans* project has a holistic approach to trans* health. The aim of this pilot project is to provide a better quality of healthcare to individuals who identify as trans* in lebanon. If you are looking for information to better understand yourself, or if you want to learn more about a loved one, we hope this platform will be helpful to you."

marsa / trans*

marsa / trans*

Design and illustration of 3 leaflet-posters and webpage for marsa sexual health center's trans* project. Beirut, Lebanon
