Profil użytkownika „Vivian Lee”

Unsorted work for interest

Name: Cat
Type : Digital drawing
Media : “Painter”
Inspiration: This cat has been our family members for a long time and its appearance has changed a lot over the years. I would like to keep track of it as a record of life.
Name: Cat
Type : Digital drawing
Media : “Painter”
Inspiration: My cat has a lot of facial expressions. When it closes its eyes, it seems smiling to me. This makes me feel peaceful and calm, so I like this expression the most.
Name: Kitten
Type : Digital drawing
Media : “Painter”
Inspiration: This paint is to record the precious moment of having a new family member, Bowie. This is the look of the first day it came to my home.
Name: Love 
Type : Digital drawing
Media : “Painter”
Inspiration: On the occasion of White Valentine’s day, I did my first digital drawing with this theme. The top left hand corner shows my little hand when I was young. This is to express the theme of love.
To make it simple, I only chose rose as the background which is the source material inside the category of ‘painter’.
Name: Life
Type : Craft
Media : Coloured paper
Inspiration: This is a casual work using illusion. I just draw things happened in daily lives that come up in my mind. Also, the drawing is a simile. For example, the sun symbolizes happiness, a crying sun represent sadness. Moreover, I choose paper craft to express the idea in order to emphasize the theme. The whole picture is focus on the color distribution.
Name: Birds
Type : Drawing
Media : water colour
Inspiration: I like birds because it symbolizes freedom, which I am pursuing in reality. Besides, the bird in the picture has leisure lifestyle which I yearn for it very much.
Unsorted work for interest

Unsorted work for interest

unsorted work for own interest
