The following drawings were made during my Drawing Foundations course in Fall 2014 instructed by David Scanavino.  Included are drawings that were responses to weekly homework prompts, as well as figure drawings done in class.
Skeleton line drawing from observation
Conte crayon on Stonehenge, 38" by 50"
Self portrait in bad taste
Charcoal and conte crayon on Stonehenge, 76" by 50"
Perspective line drawing through a window
Graphite on Stonehenge, 30" by 42"
The drawing below is an interpretation of the history of the passanger pigeon, a species that was once abundant in North America.  The passenger pigeon is now extinct; humans largely caused this, through hunting and deforestation in the 19th century.  The last known living passenger pigeon was named Martha.  Martha lived her life in captivity, dying on September 1st of 1914.
Positive and negative space
Charcoal and beeswax on Stonehenge, 63" by 63"
Charcoal on newsprint, 24" by 36"
Charcoal on newsprint, 24" by 36"
Conte crayon on newsprint, 24" by 36"
Conte crayon on newsprint, 24" by 36"
Conte crayon on newsprint, 24" by 36"
Charcoal and conte crayon on newsprint, 24" by 36"
Charcoal and conte crayon on newsprint, 24" by 36"

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Drawing Foundations

Drawing Foundations

Drawings made during my Drawing Foundations course instructed by David Scanavino. Conte crayon and charcoal on Stonehenge and newsprint, 2014
