Fanrepubliq Web
A web-based interface to a sports community.
I designed this interface for the upcoming sports forum Fanrepubliq, for my client company Myriann.

Fanrepubliq is aimed at enthusiastic and engaged sports fans and their desire to discuss and debate their favourite teams and to engage in on-the-pulse discussion during and shortly after matches. Fanrepubliq hopes to solve this by providing a community of likeminded fans and a platform geared towards impulsive and real-time interaction.

We aimed for an immersive but clean UI that enables and encourages passionate discussion between dedicated fans. I also assisted with product development, creating and designing many of the features and structure. The interface is structured in such a way as to enable rapid switching between various specific scopes of the community with minimal effort.  We've also developed in structure to enable fans to keep tabs on the teams and matches of most interest to them, with features such as Home Teams, Watched Topics and Trending Topic posts that aggregate the best user-generated content from around the site when a topic gets hot.  I was not responsible for the logo design or photography, (photography is sourced from the internet)  everything else is my own work.

This interface has been in development for several months, with Android and iOS counterparts following shortly.
Home View
 User profile
A photo post page
A modal
The different post types
Fanrepubliq Web

Fanrepubliq Web

A web based UI for a sports community site.
