Derrick Li Huas profil

18 realms / Booklet

18 Realms
Editorial & Publication
18 realms is a self-initiated project that brings readers into a fiction-world of suffering, defined as the realm of dead or hell in Chinese mythology. 18 realms is depicted as an underground maze with various levels and chambers, where souls are taken after death to atone for the sins that they have committed when alive.
The book’s structure uses the concept of the hell note; a form of joss paper printed to resemble bank notes, burned for the deceased by the Chinese. Raffia string is used to bind the book jacket, allowing readers to experience the traditional way of untying the stack of notes for the dead. Illustration is one of the major elements used to illustrate the scene of underground realms, in a friendly way to present the depicted scenes using vector art. 
2011 TOASCA Student Creative Award, Editorial & Publication Category - Gold

2016 Be. Graphic Design

2014 Layout / Chois Gallery
2013 Art in Book vol.2 / Sendpoint Publication

18 realms / Booklet


18 realms / Booklet

a school project which require us to create the whole book without using any media from external except texts and information.
