Perfil de David allen

Royal Deception book cover

Royal Deception is a book by author Denae Christine (  To create the cover, I was given the character illustration.  It was necessary to touch up the illustration a bit in Photoshop.  Also, this is to be the first of a trilogy, so the title had to also serve as a sort of logo for the trilogy... resulting in the banner logo below.
To begin, I was given an illustration, by Tatiana Mariah, of one of the book's characters.  It was necessary to "flesh" this out a bit in Photoshop.
The title's wing motif went through a few different iterations before we landed on the final, simple version.
Royal Deception book cover
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Royal Deception book cover

Royal Deception is a book by author Denae Christine ( To create the cover, I was given the character illustration. It was nec Ver mais

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