A series of hand draw, 
using ink pen, on fine art paper.


This series of illustration is among one of the earliest creation of siguanart. It was initially intended to illustrate up-close details of animal faces. Upon realising the facial expression of animals is indeed very humane, there sparks the fun idea of incorporating animals’ names into commonly used words and phrases, especially those which were spoken at bad times, in hope to add some spices into the boring daily life.
human doesn't write much in this modern day, typing definitely become one of a very important interaction method to each other, or to the machines? maybe... nah~ machines will tell us that our spelling is wrong, they are good. Therefore, here comes typo. how often you send out a message or email which contain a typo? making fun of the typo is interesting, but we still need to remind ourself are we using the technology or the machines is manipulate us now? 


"Typoanimal" A series of hand draw, using ink pen, on fine art paper. human doesn't write much in this modern day, typing definitely become one Se mer
