Casper Riis Andersen sin profil

Fast art with a fun concept supported by Enlight

The concept: Walk and take 10 iPhone pictures, make 10 paintings from them within 3 hours, having fun of course, only using my iPhone. (See about for more info)
Fast view of the process in Enlight rendered from within Enlight. (Great iPhone editing app)
Original image
9 more paintings build with different filters and settings in Enlight
The nine source images to the paintings above. I knew from all my previous playing around with synthetic art creation that source images have to be rather uniform in nature for this kind of projekt.
In case you had a favorite painting or want to look at some more Enlight processing I included these. At the bottom of the page there are screenshoots from Enlight and a tip if you want to make your own. 
Tip: A good place to start if you want to make your own: Inside Enlight locate Artistic/Urban, dont forget to play with the strength setting. Sometimes afterwards one of the analog filter makes wonders for the colors, they vary a great deal in saturation so it usually easy to find the right one :)
Fast art with a fun concept supported by Enlight

Fast art with a fun concept supported by Enlight

I walked around and invented this fun concept, shot 10 ordinary iPhone photos on the road I have walked 1 million times. Found a way to turn them Se mer
