Brian Chaundy's profile

The Flaming Lips - Guitar Hero/Take Flight Poster

Project Brief
For this project, we had to produce a poster and CD cover for the Guitar Hero video game series.
We had the choice of choosing a band or musician to incorporate into our design, with keeping
in mind the theme of 'Take Flight', I choose The Flaming Lips as my band because I know that
there were endless possibilities with color due to the genre of their music, psychedelic

My Design: Starting with the background, I wanted to have that "trippy" multi-colored feel to it.
Also I wanted to put some actual texture of a vinyl in there since their music sounds 10 times
better in that format. So I painted a vinyl all white first, then as it was still spinning on my record
player I splatted different vibrant colors to give a 60's look. After scanning it in, I put a filter over
and it and used a channel mixer to atler the hue even farther. In front of the background, I added
a radial sun design, made in illustrator, to give it a slight gemometric aspect. The line drawing I
did was of Wayne Coyne, the lead singer, in a pose looking up which was picked for the theme
of 'Take Flight'. Later in the process I decided to take him from black and white and add some
color, and it made him pop even more. The font I choose was a 60's styied font that matched
the theme with The Flaming Lips. Overall I wanted a spirtual and up-lifting feel to the poster to
match the music.

My Line art.
After scanning my line art in, and scanning the vinyl in, I combined them in photoshop.
The Flaming Lips - Guitar Hero/Take Flight Poster

The Flaming Lips - Guitar Hero/Take Flight Poster

Concept for a Guitar Hero Ad for a class project.
