I am Coal
Created for The Canary Project, the I am Coal campaign brings coal awareness to the public in order to promote alternative energy sources with the goal to make the world cleaner, emission-free place!
The stickers that are tagged in places around (via means of smart vandalism) the world highlight how that item is utilizing electricity powered by coal, hence the “I am Coal” message is stuck upon it. Because the majority of the United States is using coal power, it is contributing greatly to global warming, and this needs to stop. There are a variety of other smarter sources that can be used to bring electricity to your home, and through this campaign, I hope many will find the means to do so–or at least be more aware of the large amount of energy that they are consuming.

Article, Is IU student’s project art or vandalism?, featuring the I am Coal project was published in more than 30 print and digital publications acrossthe country by the Associated Press. Featured in USA Today Online, The Indianapolis Star, The Charleston Gazette, and more.
I am Coal

I am Coal

Campaign against coal
