Matthew Dugger 的个人资料

We Demand To Know The Truth

We Demand To Know The Truth
Op-Ed Artwork on the Wikileaks Movement
The truest form of journalism is the unbiased presentation of raw data. Raw data serves as the standard that allows the recipient of the information to make their own rational judgments about what is being presented without having a mediator. No matter how hard they try, journalists will always present data with a sort of bias. Wikileaks does not. Wikileaks presents raw data to the public and allows them to make their own judgments and assumptions for themselves. Julian Assange, leader of the Wikileaks movement, has found a way to obtain and publicize raw data to a public starving to hear the truth about what is really going on in the world.

We Demand To Know The Truth

We Demand To Know The Truth

A wheat pasted desk that displays several of the secrets revealed by the Wikileaks movement.
