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Image Production - One Image Per Day

After several ACL reconstruction surgery on my knee, I have created this painting which shows the process of recovery and coming back. This is an inspiration image to me because it reminds me not to give up even if I fall. It does not only apply in the game of Basketball, but to everything in life because if you have the correct mindset of not giving up and getting back up when you fall, then you will definitely succeed!
Reasoning || This is the birthday gift I received on my 18th birthday. Looking back at it now made me realise how much time has passed by and how much I have grown as a person. This watch has been with me for 3 years now and it is what keeps my life on track.
Inspiration || Time ticking, represents a strong sense of the time passing away, reflecting the passing of time.
Technique || HB Pencil, shading, sketching
Process || I placed the watch on a white background with the lighting shooting from behind to make sketching easier.
Reflection || Watches is one simple tool yet it is a tool that signify the concept of time and the passage of time, this drawing is to remind myself that life is ticking by, one second after another, so go out there and do something amazing!
Reasoning || Back in the days people tell the time by looking at the shadows of an object. The shadow shifts as the sun raises and sun sets. It is the most traditional and original way of telling the time and is also a strong tool to signify the passage of time.

Inspiration || Shadow shifting shows the different stage of the day = sun raises/sun sets = time passing

Technique || HB Pencil, shading, sketching

Process || I used blu tack and stick a pencil on the ground and sketch at different stages of the day.

Reflection || Telling the time by the shadows is the most traditional way of knowing what stages of the day it is. The sun raises from the East and sets in the West every single day, yet it is something most of us do not pay attention to, as to how quickly the time is passing
Reasoning || Mobile phones has become one of the largest technologies people cannot live without these days. It is also a device that is used to replace a lot of the traditional tools such as a watch to tell the time. It replaces the alarm we use on our clocks, it has the capability to tell the time all around the world, set timers and stop watches. It is also one of the fastest technology to get replaced as newer models comes over so quickly, giving a sense of how much time has passed and how much these technologies has taken over our lives.

Inspiration || People only chase after the latest models of phones and not realising how quickly the technologies has changed and how much time has gone by.

Technique || HB Pencil, shading, sketching

Process || I placed my phone on a white background with the lighting shooting directly from the back for a easier sketching process.

Reflection || I wanted to convey the fact that with all these newer technologies coming out each year, people are not realising how much waste it has produced each time they purchased the latest iPhone or Samaung. Yet these wastes takes decades and decades, so much time for it to degrade.
Story || A young couple is celebrating their 4th year anniversary on the Victoria bridge, enjoying the sunset view and reflecting in time back to where they first met. Which was also at the Victoria bridge. 
Reasoning || Walking on the Victoria Bridge and seeing the sun set reminded me of a love story I once witnessed. The breeze and the beautiful sun set view signifies the love we all have in our heart, and the warm sun light keeps everyone of us warm from the inside.
Inspiration || I wanted to capture the sun set view as it is the end of a day and portrays the passage of time.
Technique || Composition, rules of thirds
Process || The image was not processed ( e.g. no filter, no editing)
Reflection || It is interesting how using the natural light can produce such a beautiful photo as I did not use Photoshop or any other editing programs on this photo.
Story || A storm has hit Brisbane causing a lot of damages to the city. However after the time has passed by the storm left and lefted behind a beautful clear sky. And as the time passes by, the wet concrete slowly dry up.
Reasoning || I took this photo because I wanted to use experiment using natural causes such as raindrops and reflections instead of using Photoshop to bring up with contrasts and the brightness of the photo. 
Inspiration || Storm comes and storm goes, the storm passes also means the time passes. 
Technique || Composition, using the wet concrete to create reflections.
Process || The image was not processed using any editing programs.
Reflection || After the disastrous storm it is left with a beautiful clear sky with a double rainbow. I decided to take a photo of the ground half wet and half dried to represent the concept of time passing by as the concrete slowly dry up.
Story || An old man was on a bus trip while the storm hits Brisbane, the raindrops on the window screen made him realised the aging has made his eyesight worse as he can't even see the Fedex logo properly.
Reasoning || I was busing back home while a storm hits Brisbane, the raindrops on the window made it interesting to see the through. While a Fedex van stopped by next to the bus I decided to take a photo as it seem drenched.
Inspiration || Our eyesight deteriorates as we age, I could not see properly through the window because of the raindrops which reminded me of how our eyesights coule be when we age. 
Technique || Composition, field of depth
Process || The image was not processed using any editing programs.
Reflection || I wanted to see how the world looks like to an elderly person as their eyesights are not as good as younger people. I portrayed that concept through the use of raindrops as it creates a blur image of what we see.
Story || The little boy wanted to be a Superman when he was young, now is he 20, he wants to see what he can do to change the world as he chases after his childhood dream.
Reasoning || The little boy who wanted to be a Superman was actually me when I was a kid. I always wanted to change the world and make this world a better place. I took this photo because this dream reminded me of my childhood and how much time has passed by.
Inspiration || The pose is from the Superman and the ceiling light represents the sun. This photo represents the Superman flying towards the sun = on the bright side.
Technique || Composition, field of depth
Process || The photo was edited using Adobe Photoshop CS6. The brightness and contrast has been adjusted.
Reflection || My childhood dream will never become reality as I have grown up. However through the photography I realised changing someones world is just as mighty as saving the world like Superman. 
Story || A group of young people went on a hike, as they see the sun is about to set they realised that it is late now and they should start setting up their camps for the night.
Reasoning || It was a beautiful afternoon as I went for a walk at a near by park and saw this beautiful sun set.
Inspiration || Using the sun light/shadow to tell the time. As the sun sets it indicates that the day is about to end.
Technique || Composition, rule of thirds
Process || This image was not processed using any editing programs.
Reflection || When the sun shines into my face I could not see the front while I walk. I took a photo of the sun and was not expecting that the photo will be this beautiful. Using the most natural resources such as the sun light can create the most incredible artwork. 
Story || Tom realised that he has reached over 100kg and is starting to worried about his weight. He decided to start working out and become fit and healthy again. However, his dedication only lasted him for a few days... soon he started thinking about all the yummy food and later decides to have a super yummy dinner that night. He had steak, burgers, sandwiches, soup and roast chicken. Later that night Tom looked himself in the mirror and said " life is all about eating whatever you want to eat!".
Technique || Creativy thinking and illustrating
Process || Pencil sketching on paper, scan, edit on Photoshop, Colouring in in Illustrator
Inspiration || Based on a true story of my life
Reflection || This comic exercise is one of the most time consuming exercise. However it allows me to explore different features in Photoshop and Illustrator and learn new skills. I really did enjoy this exercise althought it is the most time consuming one but it is very fun. 
Story || Home, a place where I can do whatever I want to do. A place where I can smile and laugh as hard as I possibly can and no one would judge me. Home is the only place that brings smile to my face and the only place that makes me feel safe and secure.

Technique || Photography, lighting, diffuser, reflector

Process || The photo is edit on Adobe Photoshop CS6: Brightness, contrast

Inspiration || There is no place except for home that can make me feel this comfortable to smile like that.

Reflection || Learning about the the lighting in photography is extremely interesting. I learned different techniques in photography and how a simple light/diffuser/reflector can change how the final outcome of the image.
Experimenting with different contrast and brightness levels on Photoshop
Technique || Photography, close up, focus

Process || No editing

Inspiration || The texture of the tree branch is a texture of nature beauty
Technique || Photography, long distance shot, focus

Process || No editing

Inspiration || The texture of man made products
Technique || Photography, close up shot, focus

Process || No editing

Inspiration || The texture of man made products
Technique || Illustration

Process || Draw up shapes (circle) that I like on Adobe Illustrator CS6, copy and paste them and rearrange them into the pattern I want to create. Choose a colour that I like, and draw a rectangle over the circles, colour it in in a different colour, turn down the opacity to 60%, save as pattern into the Illustrator library.

Inspiration || Playing with different shapes and colour combinations to create unique patterns

Reflection || This is a useful exercise which I can create my own patterns and save it in the library for future use.
Creating different patterns on top of each other
Using images of texture to create CD covers
Reasoning || To explore and learn different types of photography, learning how to use a macro lens and experimenting different shutter speeds, ISO and apurature to capture movements

Inspiration || I want to see the water movements when pouring down to plants

Technique || Composition, depth of field, focus, close up shot, SHUTTER SPEED: 1/1200, ISO: 1600, APERTURE: F/6.3

Process || The photo was edited using Adobe Photoshop CS6. The brightness and contrast has been adjusted to bring out the highlight
Reasoning || To explore and learn different types of photography, learning how to use a macro lens and experimenting different shutter speeds, ISO and apurature to capture movements

Inspiration || Using sugar to create a sense of sand

Technique || Composition, depth of field, focus, close up shot. SHUTTER SPEED: 1/30, ISO: 100, APERTURE: F/2.8

Process || The photo was edited using Adobe Photoshop CS6. The brightness and contrast has been adjusted to bring out the highligh
Reasoning || To explore and learn different types of photography, using Iphone 6 camera to explore and experiment.

Inspiration || Using salt to create a sense of snow, Lego Yoshi enjoying his time on a different fruit snow mountain.

Technique || Composition, focus, close up shot

Process || The photo was edited using Adobe Photoshop CS6. The brightness and contrast has been adjusted to bring out the highlight
Using Iphone camera to achieve a macro photography
Using Iphone camera (with zooming in) to achieve a macro photography
Image Production - One Image Per Day

Image Production - One Image Per Day

One Image Per Day
