INDIE EXPRESS / 獨立急行 / インディーエクスプレス
Jul. 2015
INDIE EXPRESS | 獨立急行 | インディーエクスプレス


企劃概念 | Project Concept

台北–東京間的獨立音樂快速直達車 | Indie Express between Taipei and Tokyo

日本與台灣的首都–東京與台北,不管在文化背景、地理位置以及時空距離都十分相近。台北、東京往返的時間也約莫僅等於在日本當地搭乘急行新幹線往返東京、大阪之間的距離。作為兩個亞洲獨立音樂發達的城市,此次企劃希望藉由「Indie Express」獨立音樂特急列車的意象,將台灣/日本在地的新銳樂團以「特快急行」的方式推薦給在地樂迷,將最新穎、最獨具時下代表性的日本/台灣獨立搖滾樂團以最快速送達到各地樂迷的手中。(最初設定日本方面以東京為代表,後改為大阪為主)

Tokyo, Japan and Taipei, Taiwan are not only close to each other in geographic and temporal distance but the culture backgrounds are very similar. A trip from Taipei to Tokyo takes around the same time as taking express train from Osaka to Tokyo. Therefore, as the two big cities in Asia of Indie Music, the imagery of our project—“Indie Express,” is to deliver our up-and-coming bands to our local fans in the rapidest speed. We will bring our fans the modernist, most representative bands of the age. (Initiative representative was Tokyo, but now is Osaka. )

主視覺設計概念 | Visual Design Concept 

出發/穿梭/抵達 |  Departure/Journey/Destination


Our project concept is to have Indie Express as the media of delivering music; for the visual design, we present our concept as “shuttling through space.” Sound/Music is conveyed through sonic waves, but the waves are invisible, only the experience of spirits can be perceived. And the listeners’ spirits are the destinations of Sound/Music.

Based on the visual design, we transferred the real space into an abstracted one, and Indie Express shuttles through this invisible space to deliver music into everyone’s heart, to communicate over the culture of music.

The concept of the visual design on the city poster connects Taipei with Osaka. Triangle is a symbolism. The perspective vertex symbolizes the extending roads to the destination in Japan. We combine the concept of a planet to the symbol of Japanese national flag, for the audience to have more imagination to the poster. The whole image is an interpretation of abstracted space of communications between music.  
標準字 | Typeface

The design imagery of typeface is to lead and to integrate. We want to take everyone into the music space with our Express Indie events. The powerful and masculine font is the design structure, combined with the characteristics—closely attaching—of passenger cars, links the negative space in the font. The color uses the same scarlet orange as the Japanese metro express. 
標準字-城市 | Typeface-City
海報設計 | Poster design/700x1000 mm
DM設計 | DM design/176x250 mm
門票設計 | Ticket design/210x70 mm
網頁設計模擬 | Website design mock-up
週邊設計-胸章 | Pin Button design/Φ=32mm
貼紙設計 | Stickers design/70x120 mm
週邊設計-T-Shirt | T-Shirt design
Extra Info.

Project : INDIE EXPRESS / 獨立急行 / イソディーエクスプレス
Client : The Wall Music / 這牆音樂
Typography / Poster Design: Tseng Kuo-Chan / I-Mei Lee
Animation Design : Phil Wu
Print : 立屹印刷 / Li-Yi printing
INDIE EXPRESS / 獨立急行 / インディーエクスプレス

INDIE EXPRESS / 獨立急行 / インディーエクスプレス

Jul. 2015 INDIE EXPRESS / 獨立急行 / イソディーエクスプレス - 台北–東京間的獨立音樂快速直達車 日本與台灣的首都–東京與台北,不管在文化背景、地理位置以及時空距離都十分相近。台北、東京往返的時間也約莫僅等於在日本當地搭乘急行新幹線往返東京、大阪之間的距 Mehr anzeigen
