While working at Dassault Systems I designed, optimized, and built a fitness tracker from start to finish.  I received guidance and advice throughout the process, but all of the CAD modeling, 3d printing, electronics selection, electronics prototyping, component assembly, and embedded programming was my work alone.
To set this device apart and push the limits of mechanical innovation, our goal was to design a fitness band that can be slapped on, much like the popular bracelets in the nineties.
Early CAD model of device on a wrist.
I devised a pod-based mechanical design in which different electronic components are placed in separate mechanical enclosures. From top to bottom: Third iteration prototype in sleeve, Second iteration prototype without sleeve, First iteration prototype without sleeve.
In addition to creating several iterations of the design in Solidworks, I used 3d printed parts and arduino-compatible microelectronics to build a prototype with smartphone connectivity via bluetooth low energy, call and text notifications, accelerometer-based step counting, and 12 hours battery life.
Early prototype with full bluetooth notification functionality, LED dot matrix screen, and acclerometer step counting algorithm
Wire management scheme for first iteration of the design
An early iteration of the design
The latest iteration of the design
Fully assembled and functioning prototype.
Slap-bracelet Fitness Band

Slap-bracelet Fitness Band

This summer at Dassault Systems I designed, optimized, and built a fitness tracker from start to finish. To set this device apart and push the li Lue lisää
