Профиль Jessica Jeffery

Family is King Trilogy: Flyaway Boys (Book 1)

Flyaway Boys is a novel that I've been working on for the better part of my life. I first came up with the idea when I was in 5th grade.  The story has changed a lot over the years, but the essence has remained the same.  Ever since the beginning, Flyaway Boys has been about Michael and Cailin, a brother and sister that get whisked away to a fantasy world.  Once there they get separated, and Michael enlists the help of twin brothers, Henry and Shannon, and the mage Auran, to find his sister and eventually find his way home.
Michael, Cailin, and Auran are quite honestly the only names that have stuck, other than the desert city of Yogirana.  Shannon in particular has had several name changes, the most recent being just a year ago.  The title of the book itself has changed many times, as titles are wont to do.  
One thing that working on this project for over fifteen years has helped with is fleshing out the world. Not just characters and countries, but also mythology and creatures.  Back in 5th grade I had never expected to create a whole new magic system, that came along later when I took first year thermochemistry at UBC.  I can't even imagine what other directions the world and story are going to take during the writing process.  I look forward to it.
Initial painting of an old Mountain Fortress.  This was painted in Photoshop.
Clear and simple map of the continent of Ergotia.
During the events of the Family is King Trilogy escalating border skirmishes between Daltany and Edgrim threaten the peace of Ergotia as a whole.  The two kingdoms have been warring over the rich port city of Bluestone ever since the fall of the Ergelian Empire three hundred years ago.  Edgrim threatens to invade Daltany itself, having slowly pushed their influence from Bluestone over the last few decades.  The ancient kingdom of Ist continues to hold off infrequent raids from Jorlund.  The old imperial city of Dragongate remains a trading hub on Gateway Bay, both as a port city, and a stop on the ancient Imperial Highway.  The Imperial highway was built by the Ergelian Empire during its height of power, and is the only route through the Aquila Mountains.
Michael, the indecisive scientist.
Michael, the main protagonist of this story, is a biochem student at UBC who is transferred to the land of Ergotia and finds he is an extremely powerful mage.  Both Michael's newfound ability as a mage, and his quest to find his lost sister, take him on a long and perilous journey.
Rhiannon, the quiet swordsman.
Rhiannon is a young mercenary, proficient in swordplay.  Ever since her early childhood her guardian, a Trezak named Axl, had convinced everyone that Rhiannon was a boy, going by the name of Ri.  She has been able to keep up the ploy by wearing heavy clothing in public and keeping silent in most situations.  Upon leaving the mercenary group, alone and on the run, Rhiannon undergoes an identity crisis.
Henry Thomason, the talkative tailor.
Henry Thomason is a tailor by trade.  He's not a fan of fighting and feels quite useless when on the road.  He's generally conscious of dressing well and keeping up appearances, and as such tends to be the one who deals with negotiation and sales for the group.  Henry is a decent archer, but prefers not to use this skill in favour of talking out problems.  
Auran, the travelling magician.
Having traveled as a Journeyman mage across Ergotia for the last decade, Auran returns to the Sisterhood in Gardou to undergo the testing to become a Master.  Unimpressed with her unbridled ambition, the Masters assign her to teach and handle Michael.  She soon finds that keeping Michael's raw power in check is becoming more than the make-work task she first believed it to be.
Archer, the lonely mercenary.
Archer is a mercenary in the employ of the Prince of Yogirana.  He is a recluse, reluctant to make any personal connections with those around him.  No one knows his real name so they just call him "Archer" because of his proficiency with a bow in his trade.  When his Prince gains a new concubine, Archer finds himself in an unlikely companionship with the young woman.
Shannon Thomason, the talented recluse. 
Shannon is Henry's twin brother, though they are not identical.  A reticent young man, he rarely engages in conversation.  He works with Henry in their uncle's shop, though he doesn't have the same patience for needlework that his brother does.  Shannon often disappears for days on end, never telling Henry or their uncle where he's going, but he always comes home, eventually.
Cailin O'Brien, the lost girl.
Cailin, Michael's youngest sister, is a high school student in eleventh grade.  In our world she found school boring, with the exception of classes pertaining to history and art.  She is an accomplished artist, and will often sketch to pass the time.  The only possession, other than her clothes, that pass over to this world with her is her portable gaming system, which she was playing at the time.
Physical representation of magic. 
Magic follows the four basic elements: earth, water, air, and fire.  However, the magic is more complex than being able to manipulate the four elements.  It is more akin to our world's chemistry in that earth magic manipulates energy within solid matter, water in liquid, and air within gas.  Fire magic is that of pure energy, and only dragons and gods can manipulate it.  Every mage can use earth magic, as it is the simplest to comprehend.  Earth magic allows for one to move objects, for example.  Water magic allows for manipulation of liquid, and is used primarily for healing and fortifying earth magics.  Air magic is the most difficult for a mage to learn, and only the old sages have mastered it.  Air magic allows for manipulation of the weather itself.

The Sisterhood is an ancient order that monitors, polices, and instructs all mages in Ergotia and beyond.  The Sisterhood does not belong to any one country, but instead operates in a similar way that a church does.  Every major city has a Sisterhood Enclave.  The Sisterhood maintains strict laws about the usage of magic, one of their most brutal being that men are prohibited from performing magic.  Only a very tiny percentage of men can use magic compared to women, and when a male mage is found he is given an ultimatum: become a Sisterhood Alchemist for the rest of his life, or be branded a Renegade and hunted.  Sisterhoods around Ergotia are often involved directly in the government, with Masters often maintaining close relationships with Kings and Princes. These unions that often produce children that are then inducted into the Sisterhood.
Young dragon.
Dragons are solitary creatures that prefer to live in high in the mountains where humans cannot bother them.  After the fall of the Ergelian Empire, which held an uneasy peace with dragons, warriors saught to prove their courage by hunting dragons.  This caused the surviving dragons to go into hiding from human civilization.  Other than gods, dragons are the only other beings that are able to manipulate fire magic.  The most obvious use of this magic is in their talent for breathing fire.  They can use all other kinds of magic as well.  Dragons will sometimes shift into human form so they may travel along civilization undetected. 
Dryads are the spirits of the great, ancient trees that fill the forests of Ergotia.  All trees have dryad spirits, but only the oldest trees with the strongest roots can give their dryad physical form.  Dryads protect the forest and its natural inhabitants, including the animals and elves that live within.  They hate dragons because they breathe fire, and humans because they cut down trees for their homes, furniture, and ships.
Portrait of Shannon when he is older.
Acrylic concept painting of the flying city of Ergel.  
Family is King Trilogy: Flyaway Boys (Book 1)

Family is King Trilogy: Flyaway Boys (Book 1)

Character and setting illustrations for my novel Flyaway Boys, first book of the Family is King trilogy. Currently in progress, I use concept art Развернуть
