A local favorite in St. Petersburg, Mad Hatters is a tea and hookah bar with the vibes to back it. Movie nights, videgame competitions, costume contests and others events are held weekly in a space full of couches, lounge chairs, books, board games, smoke and intrigue. Their menu, however, did not stand up to the well orchestrated environment. I re-designed it basedon their existing branding of tattoo illustrations, black lights, psychedelic paintings and neon colors.
Outside cover of menu
Inside of menu
Inspiration photo of inside of bar (left)
Detail of cover (right)
Detail of first page (bottom)
The new menu is easy to read, with quirky bits of copy that mirror the experience of the bar.
Mad Hatters Concept Menu

Mad Hatters Concept Menu

A concept redesign for the menu of a local favorite in St. Petersburg, Mad Hatters Tea and Hookah bar.

