Our culture is always shifting. Society tells us who we should be as men and women, but its message keeps changing. However, the Bible teaches us exactly who we are—men and women created equally but uniquely.

This is message of A Beautiful Design. We brought this message to life specifically through portraits that span across space and time in hopes of emphasizing the belief that there is one, concrete plan for men and women that trascends cultures and generations. Since we believe this plan isn't oppressive or limiting but, instead, beautiful and liberating, we chose a vibrant rainbow color palette.  
In this promotional video, we set up the central problem—that we as people let culture determine our gender roles, sometimes for good but usually for ill, and that culture is always changing. In presenting the issue, we point to the central message of the campaign: an unchanging plan and design for men and women in an everchanging world. 
In the same spirit of the video, we created a wall installation at the various campuses of our church that highlights the ways in which culture defines us, specifically through gender stereoptypes. The words that appear in front of the faces represent these stereoptypes. 
We were able to expand our use of color on the background slides that would be used during our sermon series for various purposes. These represent just a few examples.
A Beautiful Design

A Beautiful Design

A campaign on gender roles in the modern world, specifically how men and women are designed equally yet uniquely.
