You can't be dead if you've never been alive - 2015, School Project by FH Hannover
Outdoor Advert for children summer art classes by Laboratorio Artistico cultural association - 2015
The Illusion of Design #2- 2015, Poster serie, pictures by Stefano De Angelis, model: me.
Evolution is the only explanation
for the beautiful and compelling illusion of design
pervading every living body.
- R. Dawkins
The Illusion of Design #2- 2015, Poster serie, pictures by Stefano De Angelis, model: me.
So powerful is the illusion of design,
it took humanity until the mid-19th century
to realise that it is an illusion
- R. Dawkins
Poster Display

Poster Display

This is a collection of posters I have designed throughout my entire education period 'till now.
