Prototype 1.0
Prototype 2.0- Public seating
Prototype 2.5
Prototype 2.0 lacked style and complexity. To learn more about urban spaces and seating I went through the documentary film by “William Whyte” named “A social life of small urban spaces”. Through the film I learned the most important key to the success of a public space is the seating. I also learned the different ways in which the people like to sit and different places. The two major observations from the film were levels and corners. The movie showed very well how the staircases and the cornes were the most popular of all the seating spaces. Therefore, I began iterating keeping in mind levels and corners. 
I took staircases as my inspiration. The levels in the furniture could be the back-rest or the arm rest for the lower level. Thus, I designed the seating keeping in mind a group of people ranging from four to twenty and more.
Art In Transit

Art In Transit

July to December 2014 Srishti school of art design and technology, Bangalore
